Six hotels demand compensation from TEPCO
February 14, 2012Tohoku,Tepco,Japan Hotel NewsAll,Hotel News
Six hotels in Akita Prefecture are seeking a total of 12.8 million Yen (166,000 USD) in compensation from TEPCO. The hotels claim that the nuclear power plant disaster has led to cancellations from foreign visitors, which has reduced their operating revenue.
The hotels are part of the Akita Prefecture Ryokan Association. The Association submitted the claim for compensation to TEPCO on their behalf. The claim by each hotel ranges from 120,000 to 5,200,000 Yen.Read more
PM companies leaving Hokkaido amid Sapporo office market slump
February 13, 2012Hokkaido,Japan Office Rent,Hokkaido Office MarketOffice/Retail News & Information,Real Estate News,Hokkaido,All,Commercial Real Estate
Several real estate property management companies have begun to close down their offices in Sapporo, Hokkaido, as the local commercial market continues to decline.Read more
Gunma also targeting foreign buyers of forestry
February 13, 2012Japan land,Gunma PrefectureLand,Real Estate News,All
On February 8, the Gunma prefectural governor held a press conference to announce that they are considering introducing regulations to help preserve the forestry and natural water sources in the area.
This follows on from similar movements by other prefectural governments, including Hokkaido and Saitama, who are starting to monitor the purchase of large tracts of forest by foreign buyers.Read more
Farmer donates land to Kashiwa City
February 12, 2012Chiba Prefecture,Kashiwa CityLand,All

A farmer in Kashiwa City, Chiba, has donated a 5350sqm block of land to the city to be used for a children's playground and as an emergency evacuation site.
The land has a market value of approximately 640 million Yen (8.3 million USD). It is 700 meters from JR Minami Kashiwa Station and is adjacent to the Shintomicho residential neighborhood.
Mr. Ryoichi Iinuma's request is that the land is used for the benefit of the community and is not subdivided. The block adjoins Mr. Iinuma's home and is currently planted with chestnut trees.Read more
Apartments for wine lovers in Shibuya
February 11, 2012Shinsencho,Shibuya Wine ApartmentNew Construction,Real Estate News,Rental Market,All
Apartment developer, Inovv Inc, announced plans for a new residential building in Shinsencho, Shibuya-ku, that will be designed for wine aficionados.
Construction of the tentatively titled "Shibuya Shinsen Wine Apartment Project" will start in May 2012. The 10-storey building will have 18 studio apartments ranging from 42 to 45 sqm (452 ~ 484 sqft). Apartments will be available for rent only, and will not be available for individual sale.Read more
3480 homes completely destroyed in Kanto area following Tohoku disaster
February 11, 2012Earthquake damage,Liquefaction,Tohoku earthquakeDemolition,All
An investigation by the Tokyo Shimbun has found that as many as 3480 homes in the Kanto area were completely destroyed in the Tohoku disaster. A further 2815 homes were partially destroyed and will need to be demolished. In some areas, the number of partially destroyed homes equalled the number that were completely destroyed.
Homeowners may be eligible to receive a maximum of 3 million Yen as compensation, but high construction costs mean that very few homes are being rebuilt. It has been almost 11 months since the disaster and the full extent of the damage is only now coming to the surface.Read more
Secondhand apartment transactions increase in Tokyo only
February 10, 2012Real Estate News,Market Information,All
According to REINS, the number of transactions made on secondhand apartments in greater Tokyo in January 2012 fell 3.3% from the year prior to 2305. Tokyo City was the only area that saw an increase in the number of transactions for the month.
Chiba saw the highest drop with only 270 transactions for the month - down 18.9% from January 2011. This is the 10th continuous month of decline.Read more