November rental data - Tokyo Kantei
December 19, 2013average rent tokyo,rental market japan,rental market tokyoReal Estate News,Rental Market,All,Osaka,Nagoya,Tokyo
According to Tokyo Kantei, the average monthly rent of a condominium apartment in greater Tokyo was 2,552 Yen/sqm, in November, up 0.8% from the previous month and up 3.4% from last year. The average apartment size was 58.87 sqm (633 sqft) and the average building age was 19.0 years.
In Tokyo's 23-ku, the average monthly rent was 3,111 Yen/sqm, up 1.0% from the previous month and up 4.2% from last year. This is the highest it has been since February 2011. The average apartment size was 55.70 sqm (599 sqft) and the average building age was 17.6 years.Read more
New apartment supply in greater Tokyo up 22.3% in November
December 18, 2013Tokyo apartment pricesReal Estate News,Market Information,All,Tokyo
According to the Real Estate Economic Institute, a total of 5,006 apartments were released for sale in greater Tokyo in November, up 42.8% from the previous month and up 22.3% from last year.
Of those, 3,984 apartments were sold, making the contract rate 79.6%.
The average new apartment price across greater Tokyo was 49,670,000 Yen, up 1.2% from the previous month but down 0.7% from last year. The average price per square meter was 694,000 Yen, down 2.4% from the previous month and down 3.7% from last year.Read more
The latest revision to earthquake-retrofitting laws and what it means for old apartments
December 17, 2013Japan Building RegulationsBuyer Beware!,Real Estate News,All,Tokyo

The revision to the law to promote earthquake-resistant repairs to buildings went into effect on November 25. This revision obligates the owners of large-scale buildings such as hotels and other institutions to undertake earthquake-resistant building inspections, of which the results will be made public. It also applies to buildings alongside designated major roads. In the event of a major earthquake, there is a risk that older, unsafe buildings could topple onto roads and block access for emergency service vehicles.
So what does this mean for apartments in ageing buildings?Read more
Former Taiyo Dept Store in Kumamoto to be demolished
December 16, 2013Kumamoto CityDemolition,New Construction,Office/Retail News & Information,Real Estate News,All
The Daiei Kumamoto Shimotori Store (formerly the Taiyo Department Store) in Kumamoto City will be demolished next year. The building was the scene of a devastating fire in 1973 that killed 104 people and injured 120.
The 60 year old building opened in 1952 as the Taiyo Department Store. In its early days it was considered the best store in the city.
The store was closed for the next two years following the fire as the building underwent repairs. When it finally re-opened, 120,000 people visited on the opening day. However, the store never fully recovered from the incident and went bankrupt a year later.
Second-hand apartment prices in central Tokyo up 35.4% from last year
December 13, 2013Tokyo apartment pricesReal Estate News,Market Information,All,Tokyo
According to REINS, the average price of a second-hand apartment sold in central Tokyo's 3 wards (Chiyoda, Chuo and Minato) was 50,870,000 Yen in November, up 4.1% from the previous month and up 35.4% from last year. The average price per square meter was 867,000 Yen, up 2.9% from the previous month and up 25.6% from last year. The average apartment age was 16.47 years and the average apartment size was 58.68 sqm (631 sqft). Read more
Fixed asset tax reduction on new homes may be extended
December 12, 2013Japan Property TaxesReal Estate News,All,Taxes
The government is considering extending the fixed asset tax reduction on new homes for another two years. Currently, the annual fixed asset taxes are halved for the first 3 ~ 5 years on new homes and apartments. Unless extended, the special tax relief measure is set to expire at the end of March 2014.
There are concerns about a slump in new home sales following the planned increase in consumption tax from April 2014. As a result, the government is looking at measures to counter-act any possible downturn in sales activity. Read more
Central Tokyo's first 5-storey wooden building completed
December 11, 2013GinzaNew Construction,Real Estate News,All,Tokyo
Last month, Mitsui Home completed the construction of a 5-storey wood-frame building in Ginza.This is the second 2x4 wood-framed 5-storey building to be built in Japan, and is the first in central Tokyo. In April 2012, a 5-storey apartment building was competed in Setagaya-ku.Read more