Japan’s first wood-frame high-rise condo to be built in Tokyo
March 12, 2020Japan real estate,japan real estate market,tokyo real estate,Tokyo real estate market,Proud Kanda Surugadai,Japan Real Estate News,Tokyo Real Estate NewsNew Construction,Real Estate News,All,Tokyo

Nomura Real Estate Development is in the process of building a wood-frame hybrid condominium in Tokyo’s Ochanomizu district.
Residential leases are on the decline
March 11, 2020Japan real estate,japan real estate market,tokyo real estate,Tokyo real estate market,Japan Real Estate NewsReal Estate News,Rental Market,All,Tokyo

The number of residential rental contracts signed across greater Tokyo has been on the decline for over a year now, with the effects being felt on real estate brokerages. Teikoku Databank reported 104 real estate brokerages filed for bankruptcy across greater Tokyo in 2019, up 6% from 2018.
Partial interest in Otemachi office tower sells for 99.8 billion Yen
March 10, 2020Japan real estate,japan real estate market,Tokyo Office Market,tokyo real estate,Otemachi,Tokyo real estate market,Otemachi Park Building,Japan Real Estate NewsOffice/Retail News & Information,Real Estate News,All,Tokyo

Mitsubishi Estate has sold a partial interest in the Otemachi Park Building for 99.8 billion Yen (approx. US$974 million).
Why existing apartment sales are outperforming new construction
March 9, 2020Japan real estate,japan real estate market,Japan Real Estate NewsReal Estate News,Market Information,All,Tokyo

The old trope that Japanese buyers only buy new homes is being turned on its head as existing apartment sales now exceed new construction. In 2019, there were 38,109 reported sales of existing apartments across greater Tokyo (that figure is likely to be much higher due to a lack of public reporting of transactions). Over the same period, there were 31,238 brand new apartments offered for sale.
Coronavirus fears may see home loan interest rates remain low
March 6, 2020Japan real estate,japan real estate market,Japan Real Estate NewsReal Estate News,Market Information,All
The potential for future rate cuts to counteract a global slowdown caused by the coronavirus is a silver lining for Japan’s major real estate developers. As interest rates are slashed further, borrowing costs are expected to remain low for developers and home buyers.
Hakuba to create database of real estate owned by foreigners
March 5, 2020Japan Ski Resorts,Foreign buyers of real estate in Japan,Hakuba,Hakuba Real Estate,Hakuba Real Estate Market,Hakuba Real Estate NewsReal Estate News,All

The town of Hakuba in Nagano Prefecture is about to start keeping track of real estate owned by foreigners. This database will be the first of its kind in the prefecture.
Suruga Bank restarts investment lending
March 4, 2020Japan real estate,japan real estate market,Japan Real Estate NewsAll

According to several real estate companies, Suruga Bank has restarted lending on investment properties. Two years have passed since the bank found itself at the center of questionable lending schemes that saw it providing finance to over 1,200 investors in a wide-spread share house investment scam. The scandal saw the bank slapped with a six month ban on investment lending by the Financial Services Agency.