Company forced to pay compensation after lying about value of apartments

In a ruling that could make many real estate agencies nervous, a Tokyo-based real estate company has been ordered to pay 47 million Yen (573,000 USD) to a buyer after it was found that the company lied about the true value of two apartments in order to make the sale. Toshin Partners made false statements about the low-valued properties in order to sell them at a higher value.Read more

Yokohama developer teams up with Shanghai real estate company

Yokotoshi Kaihatsu announced on March 26 that they have formed a business partnership with Shanghai Dewei Real Estate. The business partnership was formed as Yokotoshi is nearing insolvency. Dewei will hold a 36% interest in Yokotoshi and  will receive two seats on the board of directors.

With the steep rise in real estate prices in China's mainland, investors are seeking offshore investment opportunities. The partnership aims to introduce Japanese real estate to Chinese buyers. Dewei will also provide real estate services to Japanese businesses and clients who are looking for office and residential space in China.Read more

Asahi Kasei to rebuild two condominiums in Shibuya

Asahi Kasei Fudousan Residence Corp will be rebuilding two small apartment buildings in Shibuya-ku.

The first is "Udagawacho Jutaku" (3-3 Udagawacho) which is located alongside "Shibuya Koen Dori Avenue and next to the Shibuya Tobu Hotel. The street includes stores such as Parco, Gap and Opening Ceremony. The current 7-storey building has just 16 apartments and was completed in 1961. Approval from all apartment owners was obtained in September 2010 and demolition began last month.Read more

Carparking as an economic indicator

The Nikkei's Sumai section has an interesting table showing the change in the ratio of carparks to apartments in new buildings across greater Tokyo.

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AtHome Tokyo sales data for February 2012

AtHome released their data on the listing prices and contracted prices for brand new and secondhand properties in greater Tokyo for February 2012.

The average contracted price for a brand new house in greater Tokyo increased by 2.3% from February of 2011 to 32,320,000 Yen. This is the 14th continuous month of price increases. West Tokyo saw an increase of over 5%. In Tokyo's 23 wards, the contracted price saw a large fall.Read more

No trespassers on 2nd hole

A partial landholder of the Moriokaminami Golf Club's course in Iwate Prefecture has issued a notice cancelling the lease of their portion of the land and erected a "No Trespassers" sign on the 2nd hole. The owner is a real estate company called SET Support.

The Moriokaminami Golf Club recently entered civil rehabilitation procedures, and the majority of the club members gave approval for corporate restructuring in October 2011. SET Support claim they were not informed of the club meeting last year, despite purchasing part of the course one year prior.Read more

The Mark Minami Azabu sold to Grosvenor

Grosvenor Asia Pacific Limited have purchased expatriate apartment "The Mark Minami Azabu" for an undisclosed sum in January 2012.

The Mark was built on the site of the former training institute of Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance. The building was completed in August 2008, just prior to the collapse of Lehman Brothers which sent shockwaves throughout the economy and had a serious affect on the market for expat tenants.Read more