Average apartment rent in May

According to Tokyo Kantei, the average monthly rent of an apartment in greater Tokyo in May increased by 0.1% from last month to 2,530 Yen per square meter. In Tokyo City, the average monthly rent in May was 2,979 Yen/sqm, up just 1 Yen from last month, but 2.2% higher than it was in May 2012. The average rent in Tokyo's 23 wards was 3,086 Yen/sqm, up 0.1% from last month and 2.2% from last year.Read more

Residential yields and vacancy rates in Minato-ku - June 2013

According to listing site Homes, the average yield on an apartment in Minato-ku as of June 2013 was 7.22%. The average yield across Tokyo was 8.3%. The vacancy rate was 9.9% in Minato-ku and 11.0% across Tokyo.Read more

A forecast of Tokyo real estate prices (2013 ~ 2020)

Wondering where Tokyo apartment prices are heading in the next 7 years?

The Japan Real Estate Institute has published their forecast of real estate prices and rental values in Tokyo's 23 wards from 2013 to 2020.Read more

April rental data - Tokyo Kantei

Tokyo Kantei announced the latest data on rental prices for condominium apartments across Japan. In greater Tokyo, the average monthly rent was 2527 Yen/sqm, down 0.6% from last month, but up 0.9% from April of 2012.

In Tokyo, the average rent did not change from the previous month but was up 1.6% from last year.

In the Kinki Region (Osaka, Hyogo Prefecture) rents are up by 5.8% from April 2012. In Osaka, the average rent of 1898 Yen/sqm in April saw little change from the month before but is 6.3% higher than last year. Rents in Kobe City are up by a staggering 9.5% from last year.Read more

Village Vanguard launches real estate site

Kitsch store and burger joint Village Vanguard has launched a real estate portal to feature the quirky and offbeat apartments that you might not normally see in the window of a typical agency.

Visitors to the site (http://vv-realestate.com) can search for rental apartments, homes, shops, carparks or offices and can narrow down their search with special keywords including:

  • Retro / vintage style
  • Industrial style
  • Slow, organic west coast lifestyle
  • Japanese tea room style
  • Street art style
  • A room inspired by Oasis' first album (see below) Read more

Former Yakuza arrested for squatting

A former Yakuza leader was arrested by police after allegedly squatting in an apartment in Tokyo's Itabashi-ku for 14 months. In early 2012, the 36-year old suspect had asked a real estate agency to view the apartment, which was advertised for rent, and was given a key to inspect it himself. He never returned the key, nor signed a rental contract.

Gas and electricity were connected by the suspect, and he had even installed a security camera.Read more

Living allowances of university students falls to lowest level

The following article may be useful to those investing in student-oriented accommodation.

The average living allowance of a private university or college student living away from home and starting university in 2012 was 89,500 Yen/month (USD 917). This is the twelfth year of continuous decline.

The survey was conducted by the Tokyo Private University Teachers Union. A total of 5,349 students from 17 universities across Tokyo were surveyed between May and July in 2012. Of those students, 2,128 students were living away from home.Read more