New flood-prevention measures for high-rises may be introduced
November 28, 2019Real Estate News,All

Flooding caused by Typhoon Hagibis in October has pushed two government ministries into action to introduce much-needed flood prevention measures for high-rise buildings.
Suruga searches for solution to share house scandal
November 27, 2019Real Estate News,All

Some sharehouse investment scam victims may soon be let off the hook if the bank at the center of the scandal gets its way. Suruga Bank is allegedly considering a proposal whereby borrowers could have their loans cleared if they return their mortgaged properties to the bank.
Nagano hot spring ryokan foreclosed a second time
November 26, 2019Onsen,Nagano Prefecture,Foreclosures in JapanForeclosed Properties,Real Estate News,All

The Rinsenro Kashiwaya Bessou Ryokan is up for foreclosure auction for a second time, this time with a minimum bid is set at 25,168,000 Yen (approx. 230,000 USD). Bidding is open from November 29 to December 6, with the winning bid to be announced on December 11.
Property tax abatement may be extended
November 25, 2019Japan real estate,japan real estate market,Japan Real Estate NewsReal Estate News,All,Taxes
The government is firming up plans to extend the special tax reduction on annual property taxes that applies to new construction. It is hoped that the planned extension would help alleviate the added costs in buying new housing after the consumption tax rate was increased to 10% last month.
Historic Harajuku Station building to be demolished
November 22, 2019Harajuku,Harajuku StationDemolition,Historic Properties,All,Tokyo

On November 19, JR-East announced that they will be demolishing the historic Harajuku Station building after the 2020 Summer Olympics. Built in 1924, this is the oldest surviving wooden station building in Tokyo.
New apartment supply in October hits lowest level on record
November 21, 2019New Construction,Real Estate News,Market Information,All,Tokyo

The supply of brand-new apartments released for sale across greater Tokyo in October dropped 29.5% from last year to just 2,007 units. This is the lowest level seen for the month of October since the Real Estate Economic Institute began recording data in 1973.
Shrine in Enoshima up for foreclosure auction
November 20, 2019Enoshima,Japan Foreclosed PropertiesForeclosed Properties,All

A Shinto shrine on Enoshima Island is up for foreclosure auction next month with a minimum bid set at 46.8 million Yen (approx. 430,000 USD).