Kansai's most expensive neighborhood is not where you think

The most expensive neighborhoods in the Kansai area are typically considered to be Ashiya and Kurakuen, both in Hyogo Prefecture.
However, according to the kouji-chika land assessment values, the most expensive residential land in Kansai is in the Shinpoincho area in Osaka's Tennoji-ku.
Shinpoincho has been in the number one spot for the past eleven years, yet remains relatively unknown as it does not have the same name recognition as the Ashiya, Tezukayama or Nara's Gakuenmae neighborhoods.Read more
Korea Town leads to rise in land values
The South Korean pop culture boom in Shinjuku's "Korea Town" has led to a large increase in surrounding land values.
According to the 2012 Koji-Chika assessed land values, the Shinokubo area in Shinjuku which has a large South Korean population has seen land values increase by 1.7% over the past year. While the nationwide residential land values have fallen by 2.3% and 3.1% in business districts, Korea Town has managed to escape from the declining land values.Read more
70 - 80 percent drop in rosenka land values in Tohoku
In order to account for changes in land values due to the March 11 Tohoku disaster, Japan's National Tax Agency (NTA) announced adjustment ratios, or scaling factors, for the 2011 rosenka (prices of land fronting major roads). Along with the 1995 Hanshin Earthquake, this is only the second time in history that adjustment ratios have been introduced.Read more
Land prices across Japan continue to fall after the Tohoku disaster
On September 20, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) published the results of the nationwide land price survey (chika-chosa) as of July 1, 2011. Overall, land values fell by 3.4% from the year before with residential land falling by 3.2% and commercial land values falling by 4.0% over the same period. In 2010, residential land values fell by 3.4% and commercial land fell by 4.6% so the rate of decline has lessened slightly.Read more
Land price movements for Japan for 2nd QTR announced
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) announced the land price movements for Japan on July 1st, 2011.
Of the 146 surveyed sites across Japan, land values for 7 sites increased, 53 sites saw no change and 86 sites saw a decline in values.
Compared to the previous report issued on April 1st, 2011, just following the Tohoku Disaster, it appears that land values are starting to stabilize.Read more
Temporary upswing in real estate market in Sendai
The 2011 rosenka land valuations released by the National Tax Agency on July 1st showed a decline in land prices across Japan for the third continuous year. Concern is rising, however, over a large scale crash in prices in areas of Northern Japan that were affected by the Tsunami and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant where real estate transactions have almost ceased.
Sendai City, on the other hand, is experiencing a hike in emergency demand from displaced residents.Read more
More areas in Japan see increases in land prices
On February 24, 2011, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) announced the latest Japan-wide land price trends in their "Land Price LOOK Report" for January 1, 2011.
Of the 150 surveyed districts across Japan, 16 districts recorded increases in land prices compared to the previous period. Some of the areas which reported price increases are:Read more