Average apartment rent in September 2016
According to Tokyo Kantei, the average monthly rent of a condominium in greater Tokyo was 2,663 Yen/sqm in September, up 0.1% from the previous month and up 0.6% from last year. The average apartment size was 60.05 sqm and the average building age was 20.0 years.
In the Tokyo metropolitan area, the average monthly rent was 3,230 Yen/sqm, up 0.2% from the previous month and up 1.5% from last year. The average apartment size was 57.39 sqm and the average building age was 18.0 years.Read more
Average apartment rent in August 2016
According to Tokyo Kantei, the average monthly rent of a condominium in greater Tokyo was 2,661 Yen/sqm in August, up 0.3% from the previous month and up 2.7% from last year. The average apartment size was 60.26 sqm and the average building age was 19.7 years.
In the Tokyo metropolitan area, the average monthly rent was 3,223 Yen/sqm, up 2.5% from the previous month and up 1.4% from last year. In the Tokyo metropolitan area, the average apartment age decreased from 18.3 years to 17.6 years, which contributed to the increase in the average rent from the previous month. The average apartment size was 57.73 sqm.Read more
Average apartment rent in July 2016
According to Tokyo Kantei, the average monthly rent of a condominium in greater Tokyo was 2,652 Yen/sqm in July, up 1.8% from the previous month and up 2.4% from last year. A larger share of transactions in the Tokyo metropolitan area, where rents are higher than surrounding areas, pulled up the average. The average apartment size was 59.40 sqm and the average building age was 20.0 years.
In the Tokyo metropolitan area, the average monthly rent was 3,144 Yen/sqm, up 0.4% from the previous month but showing no change from last year. The average apartment size was 57.22 sqm and the average building age was 18.3 years.Read more
Zipper company’s passive town attracts residents despite high rent
YKK Real Estate, a division of the YKK Group (the world’s largest zipper manufacturer), is developing a passive town in Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture. The concept is to create comfortable housing designed for the environment that will reduce the need for air-conditioning.
The first phase of housing was completed in early 2016. Apartments in the 36-unit housing block do not have air-conditioning units. Instead, the building is cooled using circulating water from Toyama’s underground water system which is sourced from the Kurobe River.Read more
Average monthly rent in June 2016
According to Tokyo Kantei the average monthly rent of a condominium in greater Tokyo was 2,605 Yen/sqm in June 2016, down 2.1% from the previous month and down 0.5% from last year. The average apartment size was 59.73 sqm and the average building age was 19.8 years.
In the Tokyo metropolitan area the average monthly rent was 3,132 Yen/sqm, down 1.0% from the previous month but up 0.7% from last year. The average apartment size was 57.08 sqm and the average building age was 18.0 years.Read more
Average apartment rent in May 2016
According to Tokyo Kantei, the average monthly rent of a condominium in greater Tokyo was 2,661 Yen/sqm in May 2016, down 0.2% from the previous month but up 0.2% from last year. The average apartment size was 59.28 sqm and the average building age was 19.4 years.
In the Tokyo metropolitan area, the average monthly rent was 3,165 Yen/sqm, up 0.3% from the previous month and up 2.0% from last year. The average apartment size was 56.74 sqm and the average building age was 17.4 years.Read more
Kioi Residence luxury rental apartment building now 80% full
Kioi Residence, the rental-only apartment building in the recently completed Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioicho complex, is proving popular with tenants with 80% of the apartments already under application. Despite facing north, the most popular apartments have been the ones overlooking the historic former residence of Prince Yi Un, which will be used for weddings and functions.
The 21-storey building was only completed last month. The 135 apartments range in size from 55 ~ 227 sqm (590 ~ 2,440 sq.ft), and rents range from 350,000 ~ 2,400,000 Yen (3,300 ~ 22,500 USD) per month. Read more