What can cause an apartment's value to fall after purchase?
The following is a list of some negative factors that can cause an apartment's value to fall over time. Some of these points may impact resale value more than others.
The negatives:
- Proximity to unpleasant facilities. Eg. a cemetery, crematorium, place of adult entertainment, garbage incineration plant, gas tank, factory dealing with hazardous materials, sewage treatment plant, gas or petrol station, or a warehouse with large vehicles coming and going. Properties near something undesirable may be relatively cheap to begin with, and a buyer might think they can put up with the surroundings if it means they can get a good bargain. But what happens when they want to sell the apartment down the track? Are future buyers going to want to put up with the same thing, or will they also be expecting a bargain price? Read more
Government plans to nationalise 280 uninhabited islands
January 9, 2014Japan IslandsReal Estate News,All
The Japanese government is embarking on a plan that could result in the nationalisation of 280 privately owned islands.
A survey of 400 islands determined to be of importance to the protection of Japan's borders found that 350 were uninhabited. The identity of the owners of 280 of those islands is unknown. Under the civil code, land that has been abandoned and without an identifiable owner can revert to state ownership. Eg. in the case where the owner has died without any heirs. Read more
Takashimaya to acquire two stores in Tokyo
January 8, 2014Office/Retail News & Information,Real Estate News,All,Tokyo

Takashimaya announced that they will acquire the remaining share in the Takashimaya Shinjuku Store from Tokyu Land for 105 billion Yen. There are also plans to acquire full ownership of the Tachikawa Takashimaya building and land from the Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation for 12 billion Yen. Takashimaya already owns part of these properties through a subsidiary.Read more
Proposed tax breaks to encourage redevelopment of old apartment buildings
January 7, 2014Real Estate News,Redevelopment & Reconstruction,All
The government is considering a number of tax breaks to encourage the redevelopment of ageing apartment buildings across Japan.
Some of the proposed tax breaks include:
- Lowering the capital gains tax from 20% to 14% for apartment owners if they sell the entire building and land
- Eliminating the real estate acquisition tax when the building association buys the apartments from individual ownersRead more
The Naked Island in Hiroshima for sale
January 6, 2014Hiroshima,Japan Islands for Sale,The Naked Island,Sukunejima,Sukune IslandForeclosed Properties,Land,Real Estate News,All
Sukune Island will go up for public auction in February. The uninhabited island was featured in the internationally acclaimed 1960 film 'The Naked Island'. The director, Kaneto Shindo, passed away in 2012 and associates and fans of the actor are looking for donations to purchase the island to honour his memory.Read more
Land foreclosed within Hakuba ski fields for first time
January 3, 2014Japan Foreclosed Properties,Nagano Prefecture,HakubaReal Estate News,All
The ski resort town of Hakuba in Nagano Prefecture recently held an internet auction for several parcels of land within ski fields. This is the first time the town has foreclosed on land that forms part of a ski course.
Four parcels of land were within the Hakuba Iwatake Ski Fields and seven parcels of land were within the Hakuba Goryu Ski Area. They ranged in size from 500 ~ 9,000 sqm, but only made up a tiny portion of the total ski field area. Prices ranged from 1.3 ~ 3.9 million Yen. Read more
Secondhand apartment prices in November - Tokyo Kantei
January 1, 2014Tokyo apartment pricesReal Estate News,Market Information,All,Osaka,Nagoya,Tokyo
According to Tokyo Kantei, the average asking price of a 70 sqm (753 sqft) second-hand apartment in Tokyo's 23 wards was 40,610,000 Yen in November, down 0.1% from the previous month but up 3.4% from last year. The average apartment age was 20.6 years.
In central Tokyo's six wards (Chiyoda, Chuo, Minato, Shinjuku, Bunkyo and Shibuya), the average apartment price was 54,690,000 Yen, up 0.2% from the previous month and up 6.7% from last year. The average apartment age was 20.9 years.Read more