Kawasaki apartment block to be rebuilt after construction defects discovered

A 7-storey apartment building in Kawasaki City is due to be demolished and rebuilt after construction flaws were recently discovered that compromize the integrity of the structure.

A routine building inspection in 2009 uncovered gaps inside the beams and pillars of the building, as well as styrofoam and wood mixed in with the concrete pillars and walls. There were also fewer reinforced bars in the concrete than the construction blueprints indicated.Read more

Land price movements for Japan for 2nd QTR announced

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) announced the land price movements for Japan on July 1st, 2011.

Of the 146 surveyed sites across Japan, land values for 7 sites increased, 53 sites saw no change and 86 sites saw a decline in values.

Compared to the previous report issued on April 1st, 2011, just following the Tohoku Disaster, it appears that land values are starting to stabilize.Read more