Foreclosed house in Shirokanedai, Minato-ku

Court Evaluation: 204,370,000 Yen

*Update: The winning bid was 236,000,000 Yen. A total of 6 bids were made on the property and the winning bidder was a corporation.

The house is also being listed by real estate agents as a short sale with an asking price of 360,000,000 Yen (4.67 million USD), but it is unlikely that it will be sold prior to public auction at that price.Read more

Hokkaido announces new construction plans for their Tokyo Office

Hokkaido Prefecture's aging office building in Tokyo's Nagatacho 2 Chome area is going to be demolished to make way for their new mixed-use development. The new building will include a restaurant specializing in Hokkaido-farmed produce and will also house representative offices of Hokkaido companies.

Construction is scheduled to begin in June, 2012, and is expected to open in September, 2013. The new 7-storey building will have a total floorspace of 6700 sqm (72,092 sqft) and the land, which is owned by Hokkaido Prefecture, will be leased to the developers under a 70-year fixed term leasehold agreement.Read more