Game museum and office tower for Yokohama

A real estate developer and video game company have joined forces to develop a high-rise office tower and game museum in Yokohama’s Minato Mirai 21 waterfront district.
Kanagawa Pref. to sell site of planned governor's residence
Kanagawa Prefectural Governor Yuji Kuroiwa announced that the planned construction of the official governor's residence has been canceled and the land will be put up for sale.
In the event of a disaster, the prefecture wanted the governor to live within walking distance to the prefectural office. However, the prefecture's worsening financial conditions have forced them to cut back on some expenditures.Read more
And the most desirable area in Tokyo is…

Major 7 announced the results of their latest survey of the most desirable neighborhoods in Tokyo and the Kansai area. The data is collected by Mitsubishi Estate, Daikyo and 5 other major condominium developers. In Tokyo, Kichijoji was in top spot for the fourth consecutive year. Ashiya was number one in Kansai for the seventh consecutive year.Read more