Japan's two-address systems for land and buildings

Did you know that buildings and land in Japan can have two addresses? One for registration identification purposes and another to be used as the postal address. While this won't affect your day-to-day life, it always comes up as a question from buyers when going over the contract of sale documents, so it may be worth explaining it in detail below.
What’s an appropriate amount to pay for apartment repair fund fees?

When you own an apartment in Japan you, along with the other apartment owners in the building, will pay monthly fees each month that go into the building’s repair reserve fund. These fees go towards periodic maintenance and repairs of the common structure of the building. Some buildings have high fees, while others have low fees. What’s the reasoning and what is a reasonable amount to expect?
Touring the most expensive residential land in Japan

The Akasaka/Toranomon district is one part of Tokyo that is beating property price trends, despite the pandemic. It is home to the most expensive residential land in Japan. Exploring the neighborhood will help to explain why it is outperforming the others.