Another semiconductor plant for Kumamoto?

Kikuyo Town near Kumamoto, the center of Kyushu’s semiconductor manufacturing boom, is preparing a new industrial park across the street from TSMC’s two chip plants with the goal of getting TSMC to open a third facility.Read more

Semiconductor manufacturer expanding land acquisitions in Kumamoto

Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing (JASM), a subsidiary of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), is acquiring more land adjoining its semiconductor factory currently under construction in Kumamoto, according to TBS News.Read more

Sony to acquire 27ha of land for semiconductor plant in Kumamoto

Sony Group Corporation has announced plans for a second semiconductor factory in Kumamoto Prefecture. The new factory will be in Koshi City, just outside of Kumamoto City and about one kilometer west of its other factory in Kikuyo Town.Read more

Aoshima is Kyushu's latest real estate hotspot

The small beachside area of Aoshima, in the southern end of Miyazaki City, is experiencing what local reporters are calling a real estate bubble.

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