Our 2024 Q3 Japan Real Estate Market Report

Our Japan Real Estate Market Report for the third quarter of 2024 is now available for download. This report dives into recent trends and news in Japan’s office, hotel, multi-family and logistics sectors.

Members can download our Q3 report below.Read more

Our Japan Property Market Report for 2023

In 2023, Japan's property market continued to see high demand thanks to some of the lowest interest rates in the world, a cheap Yen, and an improving corporate environment. We ended the year with domestic and foreign clients looking to spend an accumulated total of up to 120 billion Yen on real estate acquisitions in Japan.Read more

Our Japan Property Market Report for 2022

2022 was a year of turmoil for markets, with interest rate rises, high inflation, and ongoing supply chain disruptions. Japan did not suffer to the same extent, with interest rates and inflation remaining low. The stable domestic conditions favored the real estate market with prices continuing to rise throughout the year.

Please feel free to view or download the PDF of our annual Japan Property Market Report, linked below.

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