Ebisu most popular neighborhood for 5th year in a row

Ebisu has topped the ranking of the most desirable neighborhoods in Tokyo for the 5th year in a row. The annual survey is published by Major 7 and based on data collected by Japan’s seven top developers.
Luxury hotel and condominium planned for Ebisu
Nomura Real Estate Development is planning a mixed-use hotel and condominium complex for a 4,000 sqm block of land near Ebisu Station in central Tokyo. Mixed-use hotel / apartment projects are quite uncommon in Japan, with one of the few examples being Mori Building’s Toranomon Hills tower in Minato ward.
Nomura acquired the site in March 2017 for 10.5 billion Yen through a public bidding process. It was previously a government-owned housing complex for civil servants. The government required the buyer to build both apartments and accommodation facilities as a condition of the sale.Read more