Ebisu most popular neighborhood for 5th year in a row

Ebisu has topped the ranking of the most desirable neighborhoods in Tokyo for the 5th year in a row. The annual survey is published by Major 7 and based on data collected by Japan’s seven top developers.
Luxury hotel and condominium planned for Ebisu
Nomura Real Estate Development is planning a mixed-use hotel and condominium complex for a 4,000 sqm block of land near Ebisu Station in central Tokyo. Mixed-use hotel / apartment projects are quite uncommon in Japan, with one of the few examples being Mori Building’s Toranomon Hills tower in Minato ward.
Nomura acquired the site in March 2017 for 10.5 billion Yen through a public bidding process. It was previously a government-owned housing complex for civil servants. The government required the buyer to build both apartments and accommodation facilities as a condition of the sale.Read more
4,000 sqm site in Ebisu sold to developer
Nomura Real Estate Development has won the bid to acquire a 4,035 sqm block of land in Ebisu. The property, which was a former apartment building for government officials, was sold by the Kanto Local Finance Bureau under a competitive bidding scheme. A total of 11 applications were made on the property, with 5 offers making it through the qualification round.Read more
Apahome purchases Daikanyama bldg for 4.5 billion Yen
Two buildings in Daikanyama, Shibuya-ku, that were owned by Nara Prefecture were recently sold by auction. The "Daikanyama i Studio" was acquired by ApaHome for approximately 4.5 billion Yen, and the "Tsurumaki Residence" - a former housing complex for Prefecture staff - was acquired by i-nest Co. for 244.5 million Yen.Read more
And the most desirable area in Tokyo is…

Major 7 announced the results of their latest survey of the most desirable neighborhoods in Tokyo and the Kansai area. The data is collected by Mitsubishi Estate, Daikyo and 5 other major condominium developers. In Tokyo, Kichijoji was in top spot for the fourth consecutive year. Ashiya was number one in Kansai for the seventh consecutive year.Read more