Tiny land in Tokyo

Let's take a look at some of the smallest blocks of land for sale in Tokyo:

7.82sqm 2,500,000 JPY (@ 320,000 JPY/sqm)
(84 sqft)
Yamatocho 2 Chome, Nakano-kuRead more

[Foreclosed] Villa Resina

villa-resina-ex3This apartment block was initially built as a company dormitory for employees of the Kansai Electric Power Company.

Earlier this year it was listed for 1.3 billion JPY but it seems like they could not find a buyer in time. The current court evaluation is 573,000,000 JPY.

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For Sale: 3 buildings owned by Japan Tobacco

roppongi-arents-exteriorJapan Tobacco have recently put three of their buildings in central Tokyo up for public sale and are currently accepting bids. The properties for sale are:

- Roppongi Arents (Residential)

- JT Ebisu Minami Building (Commercial)

- Alive Nanpeidai II Building (Commercial)Read more

The Omotesando Project


Located at the Harajuku crossing and between the JR Railway lines and Co-Op Olympia, this 2,860sqm site has been sitting vacant for a few years now.

In August,2005, Raysum purchased the site and former building from Seibu Holdings and had plans for redevelopment. The total cost of the planned project was 40 billion JPY (an estimate from 2006 report).  Construction was initially scheduled to start in April, 2007 and be completed by March, 2009.Read more

Two large scale redevelopments for Minato-ku in 2011

Two large scale redevelopment projects in Minato-ku are about to commence in 2011.

Sumitomo Realty & Development are planning for their "Roppongi 3 Chome East District Redevelopment" project. The total development size will be 200,000sqm (2,152,000 sqft).

Meanwhile, Kowa Real Estate are planning their "Akasaka 1 Chome District Redevelopment" project with a total area of 170,000sqm (1,829,200 sqft).Read more

90% of units sold out

The Roppongi Tokyo Club Residence made its initial sale offering of 92 units on July 17th, 2010.  Over half of the units offered for sale were priced above 100,000,000 JPY.  Of these 92 units, 90% have received purchase applications.  The 7 penthouse apartments priced between 268,000,000 JPY and 480,000,000 JPY have all been sold.