New apartment prices in Japan since 1956

For those interested in historic real estate data, Tokyo Kantei has released a graph of new apartment prices across Japan between 1956 and 2018. 

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Kyoto’s former red-light district now a hotspot for investors

Gojo-rakuen, a former red-light district between Gojo and Kiyomizu-Gojo Stations and along the western side of Kamo River, is now a hotspot for fast-moving investors. The neighborhood is undergoing rapid gentrification into a trendy tourist district, while land values are seeing strong growth.

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Tokyo Apartment Sales in August 2019

The following is a selection of apartments that were reported to have sold in central Tokyo during the month of August 2019:

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New apartment supply in Tokyo reaches 3rd lowest level in 43 years

The supply of brand-new apartments released for sale across greater Tokyo dropped to the third lowest level seen for the month of July in 43 years. According to the Real Estate Economic Institute, a total of 1,932 apartments were released for sale, down 35.3% from last year and close to the record low of 1,571 supplied in July 1976.

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Foreign funds return with force in 2019

With ultra-low interest rates and one of the highest yield gaps in international cities, foreign funds are increasingly turning their attention towards real estate in Tokyo and the rest of Japan.

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Tokyo apartment prices increase for 6th month

According to REINS, a total of 3,233 second-hand apartments were reported to have sold across greater Tokyo in July, down 7.4% from the previous month but up 3.0% from last year. The average sale price was 34,420,000 Yen, up 2.4% from the previous month and up 2.4% from last year. The average price per square meter was 535,100 Yen, up 1.4% from the previous month and up 2.6% from last year. This is the 6th month in a row to see a year-on-year increase. 

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Tokyo neighborhoods providing the best return on investment in 2018

Tokyo Kantei has ranked the station areas that provide the highest combined return of both rental income and capital gain from purchasing 2008, renting the apartment to a tenant for 10 years, and selling in 2018.

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