Property values rising in Tsunami affected areas
Real estate transaction prices on properties in North Japan's tsunami affected coastline have seen recent increases since the March 11 earthquake. The buyers include residents who have lost their homes as well as property developers anticipating future redevelopment.Read more
Fukushima's real estate market not expected to recover for at least 3 years
Fukushima Prefecture's Real Estate Appraisal Association announced the results of their survey on the real estate market for Fukushima following the March 11 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster.Read more
Real estate transactions by listed companies fall 40% in April-June
- Pre-quake transactions for 1st qtr of 2011 were 788.3 billion Yen
- Post-quake transactions for 2nd qtr of 2011 fall to 246.4 billion Yen
- Companies expecting fall in earnings and profits
- Reduced supply of properties
- Power shortages mean no recovery expected until at least September, 2011
The total value of real estate transactions made by publicly listed companies between April and June, 2011, fell 40% to 246.4 billion Yen. This is the lowest level for this quater since 2003. Following the March 11 Tohoku Disaster, many sales were postponed and the property market quickly descended into chaos. With the supply of properties also falling, the market is expected to take a while before bottoming out.Read more
Tokyo second-hand apartment sales down 10% in May
Real Estate Information Network for East Japan (REINS) announced their results for real estate transaction movements in the Tokyo area for the month of May, 2011.
A total of 2215 contracts were made on second-hand apartments. This is a fall of 10.7% compared to May of the previous year, and the second month of decline. In April, the decline was 14.4%. The average purchase price was down 0.5% to 25.31 million Yen (308,000 USD). The average apartment size was 65.09 sqm and average age was 18.19 years.Read more
Tokyo Bayside Condominium Market - From Boom to Bust
Three months have now passed since the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami. The affected areas of Tokyo Bay are seeing a growing disparity between the desired purchase and selling prices of condominiums on the secondary market.
Difference of 10 million Yen between buyers and sellers
Buyers are anticipating a huge slump in prices for bayside apartments. On the other side, sellers are still hoping to sell their apartments at pre-earthquake values - a time when the bayside areas were seeing huge rises in popularity.Read more
The 2011 Japan earthquake and what it means for the real estate market
One month has passed since the March 11 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. With strong aftershocks continuing and a nuclear disaster that was just upgraded to the maximum level, uncertainty remains over what will happen to the Japanese economy in the short and medium term.Read more
Land values in central Tokyo increased as much as 70% since 2000
Land values in prime central Tokyo area have typically increased over the past 10 years. In some areas the increases have been as high as 71%.
Despite the Lehman Shock in 2008 where land prices have fallen, land values in 2010 are higher than they were in 2000.Read more