Tokyo office market showing further signs of slowing

The central Tokyo office building market is stagnating. At the end of November, the office vacancy rate for Tokyo's central 5 wards (Chiyoda, Chuo, Minato, Shinjuku and Shibuya) reached 8.90%. This is the second continuous month with an increase in vacancy rates and the first time since April, 2011, that rates had reached this level. Meanwhile, the average office rent for central Tokyo has declined for the 39th continuous month.
With the Euro crisis and strong Yen, there is a deceleration in demand from tenants with many companies being more prudent and delaying moving. The demand for buildings with high disaster preparedness and earthquake resistance has slowed.Read more
Is 2012 the time to buy?
Good news for those waiting to buy an apartment. From next year, the inventory of unsold apartments is expected to reach high levels, which could result in more bargain buys.
According to the Real Estate Economic Institute, the sales contract rate for new apartments in September, 2011, had rebounded to 78%. In actuality, that degree of sales may not actually be true. The president of Attractors Lab said that the 'sales contract rate' is not entirely accurate because it does not include apartments that were held back from being released for sale.
In January, 2011, the Institute forecast an inventory of 50,000 apartments for the year. However, this was later reduced to an estimate of 45,000 apartments. The impact of the March 11 Tohoku disaster led many developers to delay apartment sales. By September, the actual supply was down to 28,000 units. Read more
70 - 80 percent drop in rosenka land values in Tohoku
In order to account for changes in land values due to the March 11 Tohoku disaster, Japan's National Tax Agency (NTA) announced adjustment ratios, or scaling factors, for the 2011 rosenka (prices of land fronting major roads). Along with the 1995 Hanshin Earthquake, this is only the second time in history that adjustment ratios have been introduced.Read more
Tokyo apartment rent falls to lowest level in 4 years
According to Tokyo Kantei, the average rent for an apartment in greater Tokyo for the month of September fell 0.1% to 2578 Yen per square meter. In Tokyo's 23 wards, the average rent remained unchanged at 3,038 Yen/sqm, but is down 3.1% from September, 2010, and is currently at the lowest level seen in over 4 years. The average rent fell 0.2% in Kanagawa, 0.8% in Chiba and 2.6% in Saitama with Saitama City recording a fall of 4.2% from the month before. The aging apartment buildings in the City's Chuo and Urawa wards contributed to the decline.Read more
Apartment prices in Tokyo down 10% in September
According to the latest data from the Real Estate Information Network for East Japan (REINS), the number of purchase contracts on houses and apartments sold on the secondary market in greater Tokyo in September fell over 3% from the previous year. The average selling price for both apartments and houses in greater Tokyo still remain lower than in 2010.Read more
What is the current market value of an apartment in Tokyo?
Real estate research and marketing company, Attractors Lab, have collected data from apartment sales in greater Tokyo and have made this data available for free through their new site called Sumai Surfing ( Through the website, users can view the average apartment selling price when brand new and the current market price. Registered users are also able to view past sales history. Using the collected data, the current market value for almost any apartment can be estimated.Read more
Land and apartment prices continue to fall [Nomura]
Nomura Real Estate Urban Net published the results of their survey on residential land and apartment price movements on October 1, 2011. According to the data, bearish patterns continue for residential land prices in greater Tokyo (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba).
Between July and September, residential land prices fell 1% in greater Tokyo. Of the surveyed areas, 5.7% had an increase in land prices, 64.3% had no change and 30% had a fall in prices. Meanwhile, land prices in Tokyo's 23 wards saw no change over the past 12 months while Saitama and Chiba Prefectures both saw a decline of 1.9%. Read more