Office vacancy rates fall slightly

According to Miki Shoji, the average vacancy rate for office buildings in Tokyo's five central wards fell to 9.15% in February 2012 (down 0.08 points from January).Read more

Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world to rent a 2-bedroom apartment

The 500.38sqm (5384 sqft) 1-bedroom penthouse in La Tour Daikanyama has an asking rent of 5,310,000 Yen/month and is the most expensive rental apartment in Tokyo.

According to a survey by ECA International, Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world to rent a 2-bedroom apartment, and the 2nd most expensive city in the world for 3-bedroom apartments.

Tokyo has also seen the biggest fall in rents in Asia. This continues the trend of year-on-year rental price decreases witnessed there since the onset of the global financial crisis in 2008.

Lee Quane, Regional Director of ECA International Asia explains that "assignee numbers in Tokyo are still lower than before the financial crisis". This means there is less demand for rental property in expatriate areas, and rents in those areas have steadily fallen since then, dropping almost 5% in Yen terms. Further falls in international assignee numbers following the tsunami and subsequent nuclear disaster have continued to contribute to this trend.Read more

Secondhand apartment transactions increase in Tokyo only

According to REINS, the number of transactions made on secondhand apartments in greater Tokyo in January 2012 fell 3.3% from the year prior to 2305. Tokyo City was the only area that saw an increase in the number of transactions for the month.

Chiba saw the highest drop with only 270 transactions for the month - down 18.9% from January 2011. This is the 10th continuous month of decline.Read more

The difference between the listing price and sale price of apartments in 2011

Based on apartment transaction data from 2011, Tokyo Kantei have provided details on the difference between the asking price and realized sales price of second-hand apartments in greater Tokyo and the Kansai region. It is quite common for an apartment on the secondary market to sell below the listing price.Read more

Japanese home loan approval process becoming more difficult

The thorn in the side of the apartment market recovery

In March, 2011, the risk of holding real estate was actualized when the earthquake caused liquefaction alongside Tokyo Bay and led to a temporary period of restrained buying. Although the events of March will not soon be forgotten, there are signs that buyers are starting to return to the market with several new projects attracting a large number of inquiries and achieving good sales.Read more

Average apartment rent in 2011

Tokyo Kantei announced the average apartment rent across Japan's three major metropolitan areas - Greater Tokyo, the Kinki region (Osaka, Kyoto, Nara) and the Chubu region (Aichi, Nagano, Shizuoka, etc). Tokyo and Chubu both saw a fall in the average rent, but the Kinki region saw an increase of 2.4% in 2011. Compared to the average rent of 1622 Yen/sqm/month in 2009, the rent in the Kinki region has increased by 6.5% over the past 2 years. This is said to be the result of an increase in newer apartments from 2010.Read more

Downward price movements intensify in Tokyo

Nomura Real Estate Urban Net has published the latest residential land and second-hand apartment price movements for greater Tokyo. The downward trend of property prices is beginning to intensify.

According to the data, the average price of residential land in the last quarter of 2011 fell 0.9% from the previous quarter. From the surveyed locations, only 3.6% of locations reported an increase in land prices, 59.3% reported no change in prices and 37.1% reported a fall in land prices. For second-hand apartments, the average price in greater Tokyo was down 1.1%.Read more