More people living in flood zones

The number of people living in flood zones across Japan has increased by 6.05% between 1995 and 2015, according to a survey by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). The country’s total population over that same span increased by just 1.21%. Even prefectures experiencing depopulation saw growth in the number of residents living in flood zones.
Abandoned temple grounds to be nationalized in country-first

The grounds of an overgrown and abandoned temple in Shimane Prefecture will be acquired by the national government in what will be the first of its kind.
NTA says no to revising rosenka land tax values

Bad news for some as the National Tax Agency (NTA) has decided not to re-adjust rosenka land tax values in light of the pandemic. It seems that land values have not fallen enough to trigger any revision.
Standard Land Prices dip for first time in 3 years

The nationwide standard land price, announced yesterday, dropped for the first time in three years. The average across all land uses recorded a 0.6% decrease in 2020, after a 0.4% increase in 2019. In 2018, the nationwide average increased for the first time since 1991.
Tax Agency considering special measures if land prices drop significantly

The National Tax Agency (NTA) is, according to the Nikkei Shimbun newspaper, working on a plan that could see rosenka land values re-adjusted in the event of a severe drop in market prices.
Japan’s regional land prices increase for first time in 28-years

Nationwide land prices rose for the fifth year in a row this year, but hard-hitting effects of the novel coronavirus could put a swift end to Japan’s real estate recovery.
According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), the nationwide ‘chika-koji’ assessed land price saw a 1.4% increase in 2020. This was a 0.2 point improvement from 2019’s 1.2% increase.
Okinawa’s military land attracting out-of-state investors

The percentage of land under Japanese and US military bases in Okinawa is increasingly being held by investors from outside the prefecture. As of 2018, 9% of the 44,523 landlords were located outside of Okinawa, a 3 point increase (or around 1.4 times the number of landlords) from 2012.