Land prices across Japan continue to fall after the Tohoku disaster
On September 20, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) published the results of the nationwide land price survey (chika-chosa) as of July 1, 2011. Overall, land values fell by 3.4% from the year before with residential land falling by 3.2% and commercial land values falling by 4.0% over the same period. In 2010, residential land values fell by 3.4% and commercial land fell by 4.6% so the rate of decline has lessened slightly.Read more
Land price movements for Japan for 2nd QTR announced
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) announced the land price movements for Japan on July 1st, 2011.
Of the 146 surveyed sites across Japan, land values for 7 sites increased, 53 sites saw no change and 86 sites saw a decline in values.
Compared to the previous report issued on April 1st, 2011, just following the Tohoku Disaster, it appears that land values are starting to stabilize.Read more
Chinese Embassy buys land in Minamiazabu
The Chinese Government has purchased a 5677 sqm block of land in Minamiazabu. The Japanese Foreign Minister, Takeaki Matsumoto, said there is no reason for the Government to oppose the purchase.
The land was put up for sale by open tender by the Federation of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Associations (KKR). It is thought that China paid 6 billion Yen (78 million USD) for the site.Read more
Temporary upswing in real estate market in Sendai
The 2011 rosenka land valuations released by the National Tax Agency on July 1st showed a decline in land prices across Japan for the third continuous year. Concern is rising, however, over a large scale crash in prices in areas of Northern Japan that were affected by the Tsunami and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant where real estate transactions have almost ceased.
Sendai City, on the other hand, is experiencing a hike in emergency demand from displaced residents.Read more
Land values in central Tokyo increased as much as 70% since 2000
Land values in prime central Tokyo area have typically increased over the past 10 years. In some areas the increases have been as high as 71%.
Despite the Lehman Shock in 2008 where land prices have fallen, land values in 2010 are higher than they were in 2000.Read more
More areas in Japan see increases in land prices
On February 24, 2011, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) announced the latest Japan-wide land price trends in their "Land Price LOOK Report" for January 1, 2011.
Of the 150 surveyed districts across Japan, 16 districts recorded increases in land prices compared to the previous period. Some of the areas which reported price increases are:Read more
2010 Land Price Survey of Tokyo
The results of the 2010 Land Price Survey of Tokyo have been explained in an English report by the Tokyo Association of Real Estate Appraisers.
Some of the key points from the report are summarized below:
- Some locations in Tokyo's 23 wards saw flattening land prices
- Some areas saw increases over 6 months
- Land prices are expected to moderately recover
- Growth in the condominium market has increased demand for blocks with development potential
- Residential land is expected to fare better than commercial land
The full report can be read here.