Hamamatsucho Building redevelopment kicks off after a delayed start

The official groundbreaking ceremony for the Shibaura 1 Chome Project was held on September 28. This project will see the former Hamamatsucho Building replaced with two 235-meter tall towers.
Before buying land: take note of this notice

Ever noticed a sign like this placed on a vacant block of land? It's there for a reason, and something a buyer would want to be extremely aware of.
13-year home loan tax deduction deadline is November 30

With the deadline to apply for the 13-year home loan income tax deduction coming this November, should buyers rush in to purchase or wait to see if it is extended? This scheme allows homebuyers to deduct a percentage of their home loan balance from their income taxes each year for 10 ~ 13 years (the 3-year extension is the one with the looming deadline).
Japan’s high-rise apartment market from 2021 to 2025 onwards

If you were anticipating a post-Olympic slow down in the construction industry you may be in for a surprise. The latest report from the Real Estate Economic Institute shows a total of 280 high-rise apartment buildings either under construction or planned across Japan from 2021 onwards. This is an increase of 77 buildings from the previous report in March 2020.
Jimbocho's largest bookstore to be redeveloped

One of the largest and perhaps most well-known bookshops in Jimbocho Book Town will close its doors next March as the building prepares for redevelopment.
New brand moves into historic hotel in Otaru

Boutique ryokan developer and operator Hoshino Resorts has taken over a bankrupt hotel in Otaru, Hokkaido, with plans to re-open it this winter under their OMO brand.
Crowdfunding for Mitaka's most famous apartment building

The Reversible Destiny Lofts MITAKA (In Memory of Helen Keller) has started a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for repairs to the iconic apartment building.