Shrink-wrapping to solve Japan's vacant home issue

A demolition company based in Tokushima Prefecture has come up with a novel, short-term way to deal with Japan's derelict, vacant homes.
Historic home matching service for Karuizawa

In an effort to save the historic holiday villas of Karuizawa, a matching-service has been set up by the Karuizawa Cultural Heritage Preservation Association.
Larger apartments take up larger share of supply in Tokyo

Good news for buyers hoping to find a decently-sized apartment in Tokyo - the share of brand-new three-bedroom apartments over 100 sqm supplied to the market in Tokyo’s 23 wards so far in 2021 has reached 5.7%, up from a 5.1% share in 2020. This is still below the record high of 8.4% seen in 2007.
Tokyo Apartment Sales in October 2021

The following is a selection of apartments that were reported to have sold in central Tokyo during the month of October 2021:
Price growth higher for larger apartments

Last month, Tokyo Kantei published a report that looked into the connection between apartment sizes and prices, and to see if there have been any identifiable shifts since the start of the pandemic.
World Trade Center Building closes its doors

The World Trade Center Building in Hamamatsucho, Tokyo, officially closed its doors back in June, as developers prepare to redevelop the site. The 152-meter tall office tower was built in 1970.
Staffing company to lease Avex HQ

Staffing and outsourcing giant Pasona Group will be leasing the entire Avex Building in Omotesando.