Chiba's population declines for the first time in recorded history

Chiba Prefecture's population has declined for the first time since record keeping began in 1920. Although the total population of greater Tokyo, which includes Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba, increased last year, certain districts within the greater area are beginning to see the start of a natural decrease in population.Read more

Japanese home loan approval process becoming more difficult

The thorn in the side of the apartment market recovery

In March, 2011, the risk of holding real estate was actualized when the earthquake caused liquefaction alongside Tokyo Bay and led to a temporary period of restrained buying. Although the events of March will not soon be forgotten, there are signs that buyers are starting to return to the market with several new projects attracting a large number of inquiries and achieving good sales.Read more

How to buy your own island in Japan

Japan is said to have over 6,852 islands, of which 430 are uninhabited. With the exception of the disputed islands, Japanese islands are typically freehold and can be purchased and sold by private individuals.Read more

Average apartment rent in 2011

Tokyo Kantei announced the average apartment rent across Japan's three major metropolitan areas - Greater Tokyo, the Kinki region (Osaka, Kyoto, Nara) and the Chubu region (Aichi, Nagano, Shizuoka, etc). Tokyo and Chubu both saw a fall in the average rent, but the Kinki region saw an increase of 2.4% in 2011. Compared to the average rent of 1622 Yen/sqm/month in 2009, the rent in the Kinki region has increased by 6.5% over the past 2 years. This is said to be the result of an increase in newer apartments from 2010.Read more

High radiation levels from concrete in new apartment building

On January 15, the Cabinet Office's Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters and the Nihonmatsu City Council in Fukushima Prefecture announced that radiation levels of 1.24 microsieverts/hour were detected in a brand new 3-storey apartment building in the city. The levels exceed the radiation levels found outdoors and residents from the 1st floor of the building have been advised to move elsewhere.Read more

Politician Ozawa's vast real estate holdings

Politician and former Democratic Party Leader, Ichiro Ozawa, has been involved in a drawn-out trial over possible involvement in false reporting of political funds stemming from the 400 million Yen cash purchase of land in Fukazawa, Setagaya-ku, in 2004.

The indictment alleges that he conspired with three former aides in not listing the 400 million yen loan to Rikuzankai in its political funds report in 2004, and listing 350 million yen for the land purchase in a 2005 funds report, instead of for 2004. Also, the organization did not explain where the funds came from.Read more

Downward price movements intensify in Tokyo

Nomura Real Estate Urban Net has published the latest residential land and second-hand apartment price movements for greater Tokyo. The downward trend of property prices is beginning to intensify.

According to the data, the average price of residential land in the last quarter of 2011 fell 0.9% from the previous quarter. From the surveyed locations, only 3.6% of locations reported an increase in land prices, 59.3% reported no change in prices and 37.1% reported a fall in land prices. For second-hand apartments, the average price in greater Tokyo was down 1.1%.Read more