Tokyo apartment asking prices in March 2017

According to Tokyo Kantei, the average asking price of a 70 sqm (753 sq ft) second-hand apartment in greater Tokyo was 35,810,000 Yen in March 2017, down 0.1% from the previous month but up 5.8% from last year. The average building age was 22.5 years.

In the Tokyo metropolitan area the average asking price was 48,150,000 Yen, down 0.6% from the previous month but up 2.8% from last year. The average building age was 21.9 years.

In Tokyo’s 23 wards the average asking price was 53,110,000 Yen, down 0.3% from the previous month but up 2.5% from last year. The average building age was 21.8 years.

In Tokyo’s central six wards (Chiyoda, Chuo, Minato, Shinjuku, Bunkyo and Shibuya) the average asking price was 72,770,000 Yen, up 0.1% from the previous month and up 1.8% from last year. The average building age was 20.1 years.

Prices in central Osaka have shifted to a downwards trend since July 2016. In March, asking prices were 37,060,000 Yen, down 1.5% from the previous month.

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Daiwa House unveils high-end custom-built homes

On April 12 Daiwa House announced details on their newest and highest grade of custom-built homes aimed towards wealthy buyers. The ‘PREMIUM Gran Wood’ homes are wood-framed houses with construction costs starting from 300,000 Yen per square meter (255 USD / sq ft), not including land purchase costs. With additional options and finishes, construction costs can exceed 600,000 Yen/sqm. The average house is expected to cost a minimum of 50 million Yen (approx. 460,000 USD) to build.

Daiwa is expecting to build 50 of these houses in their first year of sales.Read more

First heritage de-listing for Kyoto City as 90-yr old bookstore is about to be demolished

Demolition of the 90-year old Heirakuji Bookstore in downtown Kyoto will begin this month as the owner can no longer afford to maintain the aging building.

The building was registered as a National Tangible Cultural Property in 1998. The heritage listing will be removed due to the demolition of the structure. This is the first time a national heritage listing has been removed from a property in Kyoto City and the second time for Kyoto Prefecture.Read more

Hakone Fujiya Hotel to close for 2 years for earthquake retrofitting

Last month, Hakone’s historic landmark Fujiya Hotel announced that they will be temporarily closing the hotel from April 2018 to conduct necessary earthquake retrofitting and refurbishment. The hotel will re-open in Spring 2020.

Fujiya Hotel’s main building was built in 1891 and is registered as a National Tangible Cultural Property along with the Comfy Lodge, Flower Palace and Kikka-so Inn Annex. Famous past guests have included Charlie Chaplin, Helen Keller, John Lennon, Prince Albert, Emperor Showa and the current Emperor and Empress of Japan.

The restaurant in the 122-year old Kikka-so Annex building, which was originally a holiday villa of the Imperial Family, will continue to operate as normal during the refurbishment.Read more

Average apartment rent in March 2017

According to Tokyo Kantei, the average monthly rent of a condominium apartment in greater Tokyo in March was 2,681 Yen/sqm, up 0.6% from the previous month and up 3.6% from last year. The average apartment size was 60.35 sqm and the average building age was 20.0 years.

In the Tokyo metropolitan area, the average monthly rent was 3,180 Yen/sqm, up 0.4% from the previous month but down 1.1% from last year. The average apartment size was 58.16 sqm and the average building age was 18.3 years.

In Tokyo’s 23 wards, the average monthly rent was 3,342 Yen/sqm, up 0.4% from the previous month but down 0.4% from last year. The average apartment size was 57.72 sqm and the average building age was 17.6 years.

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Sellers: Your agent is now required to present all offers

From April 1, 2017, real estate agents are now obligated to inform a seller when they receive an offer from a buyer.

The revision to the Buildings Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act (the law that governs real estate transactions in Japan) now includes a clause stating that a seller's agent must promptly inform the seller, with whom they have an agency agreement with, when they receive a written offer from a potential buyer. Any special clauses in agency agreements to exclude this obligation will be void. In other words, even if a seller has instructed their agent not to present any offers below a certain amount, the agent will still be legally obligated to inform the seller of any and all offers received.Read more

Tokyo's new apartment supply in March up 26.6%

According to the Real Estate Economic Institute, 3,408 new apartments were released for sale across greater Tokyo in March, up 47.5% from the previous month and up 26.6% from last year.

2,255 apartments were sold, resulting in a contract ratio of 66.2%, down 2.2 points from the previous month and down 1.4 points from last year. 187 apartments in high-rise buildings (over 20 stories) were released for sale, down 41.0% from last year. The contract ratio was 62.6%, down 1.8 points from last year.

Unsold inventory as at the end of March was 6,749 apartments, up 155 units from the previous month and up 710 units from March 2016.

The average price of a new apartment across greater Tokyo was 55,880,000 Yen, down 3.5% from the previous month and down 0.9% from last year. The average price per square meter was 790,000 Yen, down 7.3% from the previous month and down 1.5% from last year.

The average size of a new apartment sold during March was 70.75 sqm (761 sq ft).Read more