Apartments planned for former Dojunkai housing block in Shinagawa
A densely packed neighbourhood built after the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake is about to be demolished and replaced with a 40 meter tall, 13-storey apartment building. Construction is scheduled to start in 2017 with completion by early 2019.
The former Dojunkai Ebara Jutaku was a housing subdivision that was developed as part of Tokyo’s recovery following the devastating 1923 earthquake. It contained a number of wood-framed 2-storey homes fronting onto narrow pathways. The neighbourhood was originally laid out in a circular pattern, similar to the area in front of Denenchofu Station, with 356 houses, a playground, clinic and shops. Most of the area was destroyed during WWII air raids and re-arranged post-war, with only the current small block surviving to this day.Read more