Luxury apartment boom in Kyoto fuelled by Tokyo buyers
Kyoto is seeing a renewed interest from wealthy buyers looking for luxury holiday homes. A number of high-end condominiums in central Kyoto have been selling out quickly due to demand from Tokyo residents. The historic city, which is an admired and world-renowned tourist destination, is additionally appealing as its real estate prices are relatively cheap when compared to Tokyo. Supply is also limited due to to various height restrictions and a shortage in available development sites.
The area inside Oike, Gojo, Kawaramachi and Horikawa Streets has seen the recent development of several luxury apartments.

Nomura Real Estate’s ‘Proud Kyoto Fuyacho Oike’ is currently under construction alongside Oike Dori Avenue and 200 meters from Kyoto City Hall. Apartments went on sale in December 2014 and the 43 units received 83 purchase applications (lucky buyers were selected from a raffle). The two, three and four bedroom apartments ranged in size from 67 ~ 104 sqm (721 ~ 1,119 sq ft) and were priced from 60 ~ 140 million Yen. 80 sqm apartments were priced in the 80 million Yen (670,000 USD) range. Apartments are scheduled for delivery from the end of March 2016.Read more