Office vacancy rates in Tokyo down for 18th consecutive month

According to Miki Shoji’s office report, the office vacancy rate in Tokyo’s five central business districts (Chiyoda, Chuo, Minato, Shinjuku and Shibuya) was 5.47% in December 2014, down 0.08 points from the previous month and down 1.87 points from last year. This is the 18th month in a row to see a month-on-month decrease in vacancy rates.

In Minato-ku, vacancy rates dropped to the 5% range for the first time since January 2009.

The vacancy rate in brand new office buildings was 13.40%, down 0.33 points from the previous month and down 1.10 points from last year. Only one office building was completed in December and was fully leased at the time of completion.Read more