Former Governor’s Residence in Shoto up for sale again

Shoto Tokyo Governors Residence 1

The former official residence of the Governor of Tokyo in Shoto, Shibuya-ku, is going back on the market next month with a minimum bid price set at 3.51 billion Yen. This is the third time the property has been listed for sale, but is the first time that bidding is open to the general public. Previous attempts were limited to foreign governments looking for embassy locations.

It was originally listed in 2008 with a minimum bid set at 4.8 billion Yen. It was listed again in 2013 seeking offers over 3.3 billion Yen.

Applications for bidding will be open from December 15 ~ 19, with bids to be submitted and opened on December 24, 2014. The successful bidder must be prepared to complete settlement by March 23, 2015.

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