Tax breaks and better home loan rates to boost Japan's second-hand home market

Journal Standard Renoveru 2
A renovated apartment in Kawasaki City by Renoveru (a collaboration between Journal Standard Furniture and ACME).

As part of a plan to support and boost the market for used homes, the Japanese government is considering introducing measures to encourage lower interest rates on mortgages that include a component for renovations as well as tax benefits for buyers of older homes.

Although there is growing demand from consumers for relatively cheaper existing homes, more than half require some form of work such as earthquake-retrofitting or upgrades to make them barrier-free for older occupants. It is hoped that easier financing will encourage more consumers to consider older homes and reduce the number of vacant homes across the country.

Expanding the Flat 35 Home Loan

The Japan Housing Finance Agency’s ‘Flat 35’ home loan offers interest rates from as low as 1.69%. Although the loan can be used for both new and old properties, it may soon be expanded to provide additional financing for renovation costs at the time of purchase.Read more