Office vacancy rates in July 2014 - Miki Shoji

Mercros Bldg Tamachi Front Bldg
Mercros Building (left) and Tamachi Front Building (right)

According to Miki Shoji’s office report, the office vacancy rate in Tokyo’s five central business districts (Chiyoda, Chuo, Minato, Shinjuku and Shibuya) was 6.20% in July, down 0.25 points from the previous month and down 2.09 points from last year. This is the lowest level seen since March 2009 when vacancy rates were 6.05%.

The vacancy rate in brand new buildings was 17.41%, down 0.68 points from the previous month but up 4.69 points from last year.

The following office buildings were completed in July:

  • Mercros Building, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku: 9 floors; 6,980 sqm floorspace.
  • Tamachi Front Building, Shiba, Minato-ku: 9 floors; 5,730 sqm floorspace.
  • PMO Shiba Koen, Minato-ku: 8 floors; 3,500 sqm floorspace.

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