Office vacancy rates in June - Miki Shoji

Iidabashi Grand Bloom
Iidabashi Grand Bloom

According to Miki Shoji’s office report, the office vacancy rate in Tokyo’s five central business districts (Chiyoda, Chuo, Minato, Shinjuku and Shibuya) was 6.45% in June, down 0.07 points from the previous month and down 2.01 points from last year.

The vacancy rate in brand new buildings was 18.09%, down 2.33 points from the previous month but up 6.49 points from last year.

It is not just large-scale office buildings that are experiencing better conditions, but mid-size buildings are also seeing a boost in demand. All 11 buildings developed under Nomura’s mid-size office brand ‘Premium Midsize Office (PMO)’ are almost fully occupied. Mitsubishi’s renovated small-to-mid sized office building in Kanda is also almost fully occupied. The building has attracted several IT-related tenants who want the freedom to design their own office space. Read more