October rental apartment transactions - AtHome

According to AtHome's data on rental transactions in greater Tokyo for the month of October, the number of new rental contracts signed fell 3.4% from October 2012 to 18,668.

In Tokyo's 23-ku, 8,490 contracts were signed, down 0.7% from last year. This is the first time in 12 months that the figure has fallen below last year's figure. Apartments less than 30 sqm (323 sqft) in size comprised 46.2% of transactions, down 6.7 points from October 2012. Meanwhile, 37.4% of transactions were for apartments 30 ~ 50 sqm (323 ~ 538 sqft) in size, up 9 points from last year. Apartments over 70 sqm (753 sqft) made up 3.8% of transactions, down 9.4 points from 2012.Read more