Skyz Tower & Garden to begin sales in July

Sales of apartments in Skyz Tower & Garden in Toyosu are scheduled to begin in July. This is part of the 'Tokyo Wonderful Project' redevelopment of a 32,000 sqm site that was once a Tepco-owned thermal power station.

The 150m tall condominium will contain 1,110 apartments ranging in size from 53.25 to 130.92 sqm (573 ~ 1408 sqft) and priced from 35 to 139 million Yen. A 74.50 sqm 3-bedroom apartment will be priced around 55 million Yen (738,000 Yen/sqm), and some apartments will be priced over 100 million Yen. Over 10,000 inquiries have been made prior to the opening of the showroom this coming weekend. Read more