Kyoto Court ruling on renewal fees

The Kyoto District Court has ruled that the maximum apartment renewal fee cannot exceed 20% of the annual rent paid on the property.

On February 29th, the court made a ruling on a court case involving a 25 year old tenant who was suing her landlord for the return of her renewal fee. The judge ruled that a renewal fee that does not exceed 20% of one year's rent is appropriate, and ordered the landlord to return part of the tenant's renewal fee.Read more

LaSalle purchases expat apartments in Shinjuku, to be re-sold individually

LaSalle Investment Management have purchased an expat apartment building in Shinjuku and will be selling off the apartments individually.

Crest Court Sadohara was purchased by LaSalle's SPC in August 2011. It was previously acquired by Broad Edge Advisors in 2009 and was originally a rental-only building aimed at the high-end expat market.Read more