Chinese citizens can now receive 3-yr multiple entry tourist visas for Japan

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) announced that from July, 2011, citizens of mainland China can apply for multiple entry tourist visas to Okinawa Prefecture.

The visa's term of validity is 3 years and the tourist can visit as many times as they like during this period and stay for a maximum of 90 days each visit. The terms require the traveler to arrive in Okinawa and stay for at least one night, after which they are free to travel elsewhere.

This will be a welcome change for Chinese citizens wanting to visit Okinawa and Japan. Up until now, individual tourist visas for Chinese citizens only allowed them toRead more

The demise of security deposits and key money

Good news for tenants and bad news for landlords in Japan: A change in the traditional transaction customs in the residential and commercial rental market in Japan is underway which is putting more power on the tenants' side.

The various fees usually paid by a tenant such as security deposits (shikikin) and key money (reikin) are decreasing.  Japan's declining birth rates, decreasing population, oversupply of housing and the growing awareness of consumer rights have put an end to the era where landlords once held all of the power.Read more