Kobe's oldest foreign residence for rent

Rent: 1,260,000 Yen/month
Size: 192.71 sqm

Built in the late 1880s / early 1890s, this is said to be the oldest ijinkan in Kobe. Ijinkan is the name for the Western style residences built mostly for early foreign settlers during the end of the Shogunate and the Meiji era. Kobe is known for its collection of old Western residences and many in the Kitano area are open to the public as tourist attractions.Read more

The leaning tower of Sendai

Sunny Heights Takasago, a 14-storey, 189 unit apartment building in Sendai City, suffered serious damage during the March 11 Earthquake which left it tilting on an angle.

Following the earthquake, 400 residents evacuated their apartments and stayed in the 1st floor meeting area or at the nearby school hall. The pillars in Sunny Heights had developed cracks and the reinforcing steel was poking out of the concrete. From a distance it was easy to see how much the building was leaning.Read more