Tokyo residential rents continue slow rise

Japan rent 201509

According to Tokyo Kantei, the average monthly rent of a condominium in greater Tokyo was 2,647 Yen/sqm in September, up 2.2% from the previous month and up 2.8% from last year. The leading cause of the increase in the rent was due to a large share (60%) of properties located in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The average apartment size was 60.27 sqm and the average building age was 19.0 years.

In the Tokyo metropolitan area, the average rent was 3,182 Yen/sqm, up 0.2% from the previous month and up 3.2% from last year. The average apartment size was 57.51 sqm and the average building age was 17.3 years.

In Tokyo’s 23 wards, the average rent was 3,326 Yen/sqm, up 0.4% from the previous month and up 3.7% from last year. The average apartment size was 56.93 sqm and the average building age was 16.7 years.

Average rents in Saitama, Osaka, Kobe and Nagoya were all down from last year.

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